Editing a note in Notebox

Easily edit the note by just tapping the Notebox widget

Change any colour you like for the note widget header

Unlimited size notes with a simple, no frills editing interface

Choosing a note from list of saved notes

Change out the visible note from the internal Notebox database

No need to limit yourself to just one note per widget

Don't lose notes you don't necessarily want to constantly keep on your home screen

Multiple Notebox widgets on Android home screen

Add as many Notebox widgets as you want

It is easy to identify notes with customised widget header colours

Divide your thought into separate notes without losing visibility

Saving Notebox backup archive to phone storage

Backup and restore notes from text or .zip files

Notes are easy to save to your phone storage and move to PC or other devices

If a note gets too complex or you want to sync it to a cloud service, it is easy to move notes to a more heavy-duty notes application